
We specialize in residential and investment properties, accumulated by us experience will help you choose a property that suits your interests.

Benalmadena, Malaga (Spain)
(+34) 655 03 18 33

© 2024 IK HOMES | Real estate in Spain
Pre-purchase services
  • Meeting at the airport.
  • Study tour along the Costa del Sol, showing real estate objects, beaches, infrastructure.
  • Consultation regarding the acquisition procedure real estate, registration of the necessary documents.
  • Obtaining a NIE (individual number of a foreigner).
  • Opening a bank account.
  • Consulting on obtaining a mortgage loan, preparation necessary documents, registration of a mortgage.
Transaction services
  • Checking real estate for cleanliness and availability of various kind of encumbrances.
  • Preparation of a preliminary agreement on an advance payment.
  • Preparation of documents for signing the purchase and sale agreement.
  • Professional translator services.
  • Payment of required taxes and fees.
Services for clients who have bought real estate
  • Maintenance of real estate.
  • Renting out.
  • Utility bills and interaction with the manager company.

Services for clients who decide to sell real estate
  • Pre-sale preparation of the property.
  • Promotion of advertisements for sale on the Internet, on leading international real estate websites.
  • Conclusion of a preliminary agreement on an advance payment from the buyer.
  • Legal support of the real estate sale transaction.
  • Payment of required taxes and fees.